"I am William Porter"

An anthology

Written by Teresa Mitchell Clausen

Article 4

The William Porter House once a bustling farm with Clydesdales pulling harrows across the land. Family gathered to plant and harvest. The sun rises at the bedroom windows and sets across the front porch. This was a homestead built to last.

Porter's Book InscriptionThe book photos: “A wise son makes a glad father.” A Christmas gift to Charles Porter, from his father, William Porter. William left a legacy for the love of literacy and education.


William Porter composed a letter on the 24th of June, 1848, titled: Crossing the North Fork of the Platte. The letter was addressed to his father David Porter, who resided in Pike County, Illinois.

He wrote: “Give my respects to all my relations and friends and tell all who intend to take this trip to be sure to have a good wagon and team, and plenty of provisions.”

His salutation ~ “ In hopes of seeing you again, I am, William Porter.”

Coming soon,

I am, William Porter – an anthology of the Porter family

By Teresa Mitchell Clausen and Roger Allen Porter